Thursday, February 9, 2012

Yesterday’s discussion 2/8 (Extra)

For the laughter:

After the discussion of the "N" word and on certain people being able to use certain words, I recalled a comedian named Tim Minchin, who made a song relating to this point. 

The video can be seen on youtube: Tim Minchin Prejudice 


  1. lol That's pretty funny. The whole time I'm thinking of the "N" word while he's really saying something else. This reminds me of South Park when they were spelling "NAGGERS".

  2. hahaha. Thanks for this. I've seen it once before and I'd forgotten about it. Totally worth watching several times. And then again.

  3. I wanted to point this out in class,but I never did.....It's about the use of the "N" word. I lived in NC for my four years of high school, and down in the south if someone says the "N" word ( if they are not black) they would get beat up or something. That word is taken offensively in the south. So I wasn't used to hearing that word. I only heard black people say that. But since I moved back here, I hear that word a lot. One time I heard my cousin say it, and I told him not to use that word again because it's offensive and he could get in trouble for it. He told me that everyone uses that word and no really gets beat up. I was in great shock, but it turned out true. I hear this word outside, in the train, almost anywhere. And other people from different races use that word to refer to a friend or someone. Personally I wouldn't use the word because i find it offensive. The use of the "N" in different places in America can be taken differently. However, in todays society the use of the "N" is common.
