Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Homework Reminder

Please remember that in addition to a schedule change and library session next week (if you weren't in class today, you'll need to ask someone in your group), you will also be expected to write 1 body paragraph using ONE of the four Main Idea sentences.

[In other words one of the sentences below will be the FIRST sentence in your body paragraph. I will grade you on how well you develop the paragraph based on the 5 part formula I've given you in class. I will also assign an in-class follow-up writing assignment based on this exercise, so be sure you prioritize this.]

1) A hoax is a prank with magic in it.

2) Being required to multitask limits our creativity (or productivity).

3) Our tolerance of pain is subjective.

4) Friendship is more important than love. (You may choose to replace "important" with another adjective.)

See you next week.


Here's next week's schedule, as a reminder:

Monday -- NYCCT is closed

Tuesday -- Classes follow a Monday schedule (we meet this day)

Wednesday -- Our class meets at its regularly scheduled time, but in the Library (4th Floor, Atrium Bldg.)

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